
class ModuCoreSignCommandEvent(    val sender: CommandSender,     val command: String,     val actualCommand: Component,     val signClicked: Sign,     val interactEvent: PlayerInteractEvent) : ModuCoreCancellableEvent

An event called when a player clicks a sign to run a command.



the player/consolesender that ran the command. you can use an instanceOf check to see whether console or a player ran the command


the command that was ran by the player, completely unmodified.


the command that was ran by the player, colorized and with placeholders replaced appropriately


the sign the player clicked. can be used to get coordinates/location, etc etc


the rest of the event data if you want it for any reason


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fun ModuCoreSignCommandEvent(    sender: CommandSender,     command: String,     actualCommand: Component,     signClicked: Sign,     interactEvent: PlayerInteractEvent)


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open fun callEvent(): Boolean
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open fun getEventName(): @NotNull String
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open override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList
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fun isAsynchronous(): Boolean
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open override fun isCancelled(): Boolean
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open override fun setCancelled(cancel: Boolean)


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val actualCommand: Component
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val command: String
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val interactEvent: PlayerInteractEvent
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val sender: CommandSender
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val signClicked: Sign