
interface ModuCoreAPI

This is the entry point to the API. Can be accessed with the bukkit service manager or the static singleton.


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object Companion

Allows for a static instance of the API.


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abstract val bukkitFileManager: FileManager

The Bukkit File Manager. Corresponds to all non-discord files

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abstract val discordFileManager: FileManager

The Discord File Manager. Corresponds to all discord files

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abstract val discordManager: DiscordManager

Manages anything and everything related to the discord bot

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abstract val economyManager: EconomyManager

Manages all economy methods. The vault provider that ModuCore has calls these methods, so you can either use this API or vaults.

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abstract val hologramManager: HologramManager

Manages all hologram methods.

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abstract val kitManager: KitManager

Manages kits

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abstract val locationManager: LocationManager

Manages all the location related things.

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abstract val nameFormatManager: NameFormatManager

Manages everything to do with DISCORD name formats.

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abstract val playerManager: PlayerManager

Manages all the Player related methods.

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abstract val playtimeManager: PlaytimeManager

Manages all methods related to playtime.

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abstract val storageManager: StorageManager

Manages all storage related methods